
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

It's Four A.M. and I am TIRED

It is crazy at my house this week. Late night trips and situations nearly every night this week. Princess Four came home from college getting a ride with a friend and she brought home a Japanese student for the holiday. They got home after 1 a.m. and were hungry so by the time we got them fed and settled in it was after 2 a.m.

Princess Three was supposed to get home tonight, but ended up having a situation, and I got a text from her at nearly 3 a.m. saying she was in for the night at the place she was staying. Then, I needed to blog and get to bed so it is 3:59 right now and I am wiped! The grand kids will be up around five a.m. and I haven't slept well all week waking with a strep throat feeling two nights back and lots of hip and knee pain this week as well as numb arms while sleeping, so I am really hoping I get a few good hours of sleep.

Hopefully, I can have time tomorrow for a good post. Have a Blessed Day!

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