
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Getting Lost and Sitting on Water - Princess Five Mission

On Tuesday we had our last District council of the transfer! 
On Wednesday we taught Duan and Pola they just moved so they gave us water bottles to sit on since they don't have furniture and they also made us this super yummy cinnamon drink from Colombia, I don't remember what it's called but it was good, they invited us to spend Christmas at their apartment, they are just the cutest.

On Thursday we went to Ellis Island, and it was so fun, and I only got lost 2 or 3 times on the way home! Then Ria accepted an invitation to be baptized! She's a little nervous and knows she has a lot to do to prepare, but she knows it's what she needs to do!

On Friday we had transfer Apartment Checks. Whoever has the cleanest apartment gets $10 And we are probably going to win this time. 🤞🏻

On Saturday our car monitor stopped working so we called IT, and the kid that answered had us drive around a little to check on something's, while we were waiting for our GPS to appear on his signal, he said, "Hey, we are having an office debate, on the TV show Hannah Montana did she ever date a super nerdy kid with glasses?" So that was a fun conversation with the IT guy, his name was Alex.

Princess Five in NJ

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