
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gratitude Moments Over a Hose Container - Happy Thanksgiving - God Loves Me

It is still super busy and crazy and my home and I am dealing with storm headaches as well as having the girls and the grandchildren at the house.

With that, I want to share a gratitude moment with you as it is Thanksgiving and I am giving thanks for this small thing. 

When I lived at my dads this summer helping him with his knee surgery, I worked in the yard quite a bit and they had a terracotta hose holder. I had never seen one like that before. 

I have purchased many hose containers over the years and the one I had in the front yard was so brittle that it crumbled apart. I purchased a square one to replace that open winding one a few months back. 

I hooked up the hose and then tried to wind it up and use it one day and it took me forever and a lot of muscle power to get the hose in and out of that square decorative holder. It only took me using it one time to know I WILL NOT be using that again. I pulled the hose off and put the holder to the side of the house to sell at a yard sale I thought I was having which never happened and that square hose holder is still at the corner of the house. 

I was going around it the other day to work on picking up sticks from the big tree which was pruned recently and I thought to myself, I wish I had one of those terracotta pot hose holders that my dad has as you just lay the hose in the pot and pull it out to use it and then just coil it in after you are finished and I really liked using theirs as it looked ice and was fast to clean up. At the end of wishing for one, I thought that I had never seen one for sale at a second hand store so it wasn't likely for me to find one. I then thought, "God has never let me down, when I ask for something I want or need, he always finds a way to get it for me." 

So, with that, I sent up a prayer asking God to help me find one of those hose storage pots so I can have my hose off the ground and in a contained place and also have it look nice.

The next day, I head to my favorite second hand store and walk thorough the outside part of the store and don't see anything I want. As I was leaving that space, I noticed this terracotta hose holder and the best part was that it was $3! Not only did He answer my prayer, He did it in a way I could afford! It took less than 24 hours for HIM to answer that prayer! 

I feel so grateful for a Loving Father that gives me my wants and needs and is so thoughtful of my needs. I feel truly blessed this Thanksgiving and will post more later on that! 

I hope you are having a Blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by those who love you! 

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