
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Apples Times Five - Dehydrating My Trees

For the past week my dehydrator has been going non stop. I at first was just picking up the apples that had blown off the tree. 

It has gotten cold this past week and there were several frosts and it was supposed to freeze hard so I picked the rest of the apples. Last year, I had no fruit and this year only one of my three apple trees had fruit so I picked three bags of apples and one of pears. 

I spent hours cutting up apples and I pulled out my two back up smaller dehydrators and got them going as well and between last night and tonight I was able to get them all on the dehydrators. I didn't get the pears done but think I will let them ripen more for the next few days before putting them on the dehydrator. 

I saved a few of the better apples to eat and share with my girls as our tree has really yummy apples. I was able to dry some of the plums off my multiple plum trees but gave most of them away as I don't have people eating my fruit as much with them all over and only me at home. 

Have a blessed day! 


  1. Boy do I admire all you get done�� maybe one day I'll catch up! lol. Maria

    1. I think I am not getting anything done when I look at what I used to do, but then I go back and read my blog and know that I didn't even post about half of what I did and I laugh at myself as I do get things done, I just wish it were more than I do get finished. You are super sweet to comment so kindly all the time. Thanks for all your sweet words! I am sure you get exactly done what you need to get done yourslef! Have a blessed day!
