
Friday, October 4, 2019

Small Pieces Dried Fruit For Children or Oatmeal Packets

I shared yesterday about how I have been dehydrating apples. I had a thought today about how when my daughter gives her babies dried fruit, she has to break off little tiny pieces and it is a bit time consuming to have to continually break off pieces when they want more every few seconds eating the fruit. 
I had the thought to chop the apples and pears super small before dehydrating them and putting them on the non-stick mats so they don't fall through the slats on the dehydrator plastic. I prepared the apples and pears as I usually do by using the apple corer peeler and once it was peeled and cut, I then wash it and cut out any worm marks. 

I then cut tiny slices off and spread them apart so that they didn't stick together or it would be just like a larger dried piece. I let them dehydrate over night and then moved them around so they can dry evenly and then dried them for another 12 hours. 

If you didn't want to feed them to children, you can use them to make your own oatmeal mix by adding some quick oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, and some dried apple slices. 

I will keep them in the cupboard for the baby when they come for Thanksgiving. All I have had for him in the past, or the other kids, was cereal. I wish I had thought of this earlier as I am always looking for some treats for the kids because their mother doesn't allow any chocolate or candy with red dyes for health reasons, so sometimes it is hard for me to find something to give them as a treat. This will be something to give them that is healthy and a treat. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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