
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Video Blessing and Good Friends

 I have a friend who owned a video store. For many years they ran this store. After Netflix and Redbox, they kept going when many stores went under. I think living in a small town helped as they would rent videos for five days. May people live out of town on farms and ranches so the five day rental worked well for them. 
Over the last few years as the internet has advanced and the more people are hooked into it, the less they needed rentals. My friend is sad to be closing her store but it paid for the building that they had the store in and now they own the building so it was an investment in the fact that they own a building out of it but they had thousands of videos to get rid of. 

They have been selling them off at discounted prices for months and all the newer videos were sold as they lowered their prices. She texted a few friends the other day and told us to take what we wanted for free. I had already purchased some newer videos but there were lots of videos that are film festival winners or old movies that I thought would be good.

At first I just picked a rack and pulled all the non R rated movies but that didn't last long as she has so many movies. I then just picked ones I knew and or thought the girls may like or my grandchildren may enjoy. 

The thing I didn't realize at first was that each movie needed to be pulled out of the drawer where they kept the movies outside of the cases. We had a choir practice so I didn't have time to pull the videos out so she allowed me to go back after our practice and pull out all the movies. 

I wish I had more time to actually read the backs of the movies and pull the ones that actually sounded good but in the end, it was just crazy. I told them I would pass along any I didn't like or were not something I would watch after having some time to go through the ones I took. 

I ended up with a few totes full of movies and plan on watching them when I work on some of the t-shirt quilts I need to finish. I didn't get home until 2 a.m. from pulling all the movies which explains my short jewelry post yesterday. 

I feel very blessed to have friends that are so generous in allowing me to get movies. I was also able to get many for my girls and grandchildren as well. 

Have a blessed day! 

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