
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Where Is The Grumpy Girl - Princess Five Missionary Update

This week we had zone Conference! We talked about the book of Mormon, and wow, it's just the biggest blessing! Sister Staff and I taught a training about member work and, it went pretty well!

We went to a members house this week at about 8 to share a quick thought, and commitment. But the wife wasn't home from work yet so we couldn't go inside. We stayed in the car for the next half an hour to send messages and make some calls. When the wife got home, we started with a prayer, and were ready to share our message, but then the husband asked if we had "un ratito" which is like a very short moment. And then they just surprised us with a second dinner, at 9 night, it was really yummy though, and we got home on time, so it all worked out.

We did a lot of finding this week. To shake things up a bit we even went to Walmart to contact. We asked one of the workers what something cost and it turns out she was a lost member who was baptized in her country, but couldn't find the church in the states, so she hasn't been for 7 years!

We did a lot of finding this week! Even though my companion wasn't feeling well and had a headache. We met a cute older lady named Glory knocking doors, she told us to come back the next day a little earlier. When we went back she was on the porch waiting for her daughter to come pick her up, luckily she was an hour late so we were able to chat with Glory for "un ratitio"... 30 minutes... but she was so cute! While we were talking, she asked us where the grumpy girl from the night before was, so we explained to her how my companion wasn't feeling well, but it was way funny. It kind of helped us realize just how closely people are watching us.

Thank you for all your emails, prayers and support!

Hermana Princess Five

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