
Friday, September 20, 2019

My House Is Going Gluten Free

Over the past five yeas, I have not eaten any gluten on purpose. I have had some accidents where I was told something was gluten free but I don't make any exceptions as I feel horrible and feel like I have been drugged if I eat any gluten. 

I got rid of lots of my food storage items a few years back giving the girls and others my pasta and other gluten / wheat products. Since I still had kids coming home regularly last year I kept a supply of soups, pasta, and other gluten items in the house.

I have been trying to get lots of things done in my house and life recently and decided to really just get everything out of the cupboards that has gluten as I only have the family home about twice a year for holidays so there is no reason for me to keep all those type of things in the house. 

I sorted things into piles for the kids as I had certain things for each girl. Princess Four LOVES buffalo chicken wings and I had several kits to make those. In pulling out all the items with gluten, I ended up with several empty shelves in my cupboards. 

I have a very small amount of cupboards in my kitchen, I have never had an empty cupboard in the entire time we have lived here. I usually have stacked things on top of other things and it was kind of weird for me to have a few empty shelves. I was able to put my paper goods in one shelf that was completely empty and it was really nice to have a spot for those as I usually have them in a tote in the garage or basement. 

I still have lots of things to go through but I was able to get rid of many of my nursing school books and kids tapes this past week and I got rid of several hundred audio books a few weeks back. I am still working on so many things, but it feels good to even get rid of a few things. 

It feels good to get rid of things that I am not able to use and give them to people who will use them. 

Have a blessed day!  

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