
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fixing a Problem with Air Conditioning Shutting Off in RV - Travel Trailer Circuit Breaker

Last year when we took my trailer to the lake for our family reunion for a few days, it was one of the hottest weeks of the summer and every few minutes, the air conditioner at the lake would shut off.

When we would flip the circuit, it would turn on again for a few minutes, then it would shut down. Over and over this would happen. At one point, there was a high pitched squeal coming from the circuit and fuse box. It was only once and happened for a few seconds. 

My brothers tested all the circuits and fuses and said they were fine. I looked online at many different YouTube videos about trailers and circuits and found one video of many that said something about a circuit making a similar sound and how they replaced that one circuit and the problem went away. 

I brought the trailer home after the reunion and had to store it offsite so dropped it off at the storage place and didn't worry about it until just before this years reunion at the lake.

Since I had been busy working with my dad and his wife on his health and other household things at their place, I didn't have much time to work on my trailer so my dad said he would pay for someone to fix the problem knowing I don't handle heat well. 

I called a man to fix it and I told him what I thought it was but he focused on the air conditioner. It was an $80 house call plus time so by the time he went through the air conditioner and said it was all working right, he checked the fuses and breakers and said he couldn't figure out what the problem was. I told him about the video I watched and that I thought it was the circuit breaker and he said we should go buy a new one and see if that solves the problem. 

We went to home depot and bought a new circuit for $10 and he put it in buy taking off the two screws holding the front panel on and popped out the circuit and put the new one in. I plugged the trailer in and the air conditioner worked all night. I thought maybe it was the heat and amount of conditioning needed during the heat so I left it on during the day the next day and it worked fine. It wasn't a hot day so I worried a bit about it not working at the lake on a really hot day, but we didn't have any more time to test it. 

We took it to the lake and I was SO happy that the problem with the trailer was a bad circuit breaker and was a $10 fix. Problem was I had to pay for the service man which was $150 so I just wanted to share this with everyone if they have a similar issue with their trailer, motorhome or RV. I have a Nomad Skyline trailer and I don't know that the breakers have ever been replaced. I was SO happy that the trailer worked. It isn't like we use it much, but when we do, it is SO nice to be able to use the air conditioner as it gets super hot quickly in the summer. 

I hope it continues to work well and that this information can help others diagnose their problem quickly. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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