
Monday, September 23, 2019

Supporting My Nephew Who is Headed To The Philippines

I made an update video for todays post and my internet is not functioning well again. I got notified that they were upgrading all internet speeds but it seems really slow. It has been uploading for about four hours and it is at 74% and the video is a half hour long. 

It is now 3 a.m. and I have been waiting for hours and I am so tired. It is so frustrating to have such slow internet. I basically just can't do a video and post it the same day unless it is five minutes or less. I just need to let them upload all night like I used to do for years. 

I spent six hours driving today to support my nephew who is leaving as a missionary soon and is headed to the Philippines. Princess One served as a missionary in the Philippines about ten years ago. Here is a post about her coming home, there are several other posts you can search "Philippines" in the search box at the bottom of the home page for more on that.  
I am super tired with all the driving and I didn't have much sleep last night and woke wide awake  in the middle of the night for some reason, so I am headed to bed and will have to post my update video another day and work on uploading my videos early in the day. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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