
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Latest Parasite Update Video - 9-22-19 Hair Products That Help

I haven't posted much about the Horsehair Nematomorpha parasite in about three months due to my fathers health issues. I decided I needed to do an update on symptoms and things I am using to help the symptoms. 

I made a video about it and haven't got any new treatments or cures but I did want to share that I am using psoriasis shampoo which seems to be helping and then I also have been using rosemary conditioner which also seems to be helping keep the parasite down from the hairline where they like to hang out. I bought both items at Walmart in the hair product section.

I have had more serious pin-prick hot poker type of bites or burrows from the parasite and it used to only happen at night but now I get them during the day as well. I have about six projects I am working on currently but hope to be able to get back to researching the parasite and trying new cures. 

I share in the video how I tried a Sulphur ointment for animals IFA on my skin but didn't see results and it was sticky and super stinky. 

I appreciate prayers to help me figure this out as I need to start feeling better and want to help all those also suffering feel better. I am still getting comments on my blog and YouTube daily about people suffering with this or a similar parasite. 

Have a Blessed Day!  


  1. I pop some homeopathic sulfur tabs in my mouth when I have pin pricks and it stops the stinging each time. I used to mix that sulfur nu stock with a lot of baby lotion and it helped but of course it didn't cure me. I believe I have late stage lymes at this point so maybe now I can get treatment for that and it will help. Blessings! Maria

    1. Thanks for sharing that sulfur tab idea. I don't know if I can use that Sulfur lotion as it doesn't absorb, it just stays sticky on the skin until it wipes off on something and the smell is horrible so I figure if it didn't make me notice improvement right off, not worth continuing. Thanks for always being so supportive and I am sorry to hear your are still suffering so much. Continued prayers for all of us!
