
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Princess Five and Hot Corn Flakes in New Jersey


We were knocking doors this week and we knocked a door, and were waiting, and walking about who was going to talk at that door, and waiting when Someone on the other side punched the door, it was super scary.

Our Tiwi, our driving monitor, has been broken ever since I've been here in Plainfield. We received permission this week to drive to the mission office to have it replaced.

We helped our friend Nelly pack some boxes for 2 hours to send back to her family in Paraguay.

I went on exchanges with Hermana Jones in Perth Amboy (across the bay from Staton Island). It was so fun, we found some junk mail at their chapel addressed to president Nelson, and taught some really good lessons. 

We stopped by some people they are teaching but haven't seen in a while, and when the man got to the door we heard his annoyed mumble behind the door,"Las mormonas", so we weren't expecting much. But, he actually answered the door. When we got into the door there was a steaming bowl of cornflakes on there table. So, we asked them about it , and they said it was good and that we should try it sometime. We asked how their reading was, and they said they hadn't read at all. We showed them the trailer to the new Book of Mormon videos and they really liked it, especially the part where it says, "I will go and do the things which the lord hath commanded." 

We invited them to read the chapter as their commitment, but they started reading it right there, they loved the chapter, and had relaxed a little bit. They lady actually went to the kitchen and made us some hot cornflakes to try, they were pretty good...especially because they added extra sugar to it. They also taught us how to say good bye in a Guatemalan dialect, it was a fun lesson.

After the lesson, it was dark outside, we were walking on the sidewalk and a car with really dim headlights came whipping into their driveway, crashing into trashcans, and almost hitting us as well. We didn't really know how to react we were kind of just like deer in the headlights but luckily the car stopped in time.

That's it for this week! It was a whole adventure!

Hermana Princess Five
Mission Office
Book of mormon videos movie night

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