
Thursday, September 26, 2019

MRI - Super LONG Day

I had a fall a few months back on an uneven sidewalk. 

When I tripped on the uneven sidewalk, I had my keys in my hands. I threw the keys into the shrubs and caught myself on my right hand and right knee. I felt both my shoulder and him hit super hard on the back of the sockets. I wrenched my back and got a sort of whiplash. I went to my chiropractor and he was able to put several rib back in that were causing some issues. 

I have been having some numbness in my arms and hands and about 8 times a night, I wake with my arms and hands numb and have to roll over and shake my arms. I was finally able to get on the insurance from the place where I fell so I could get some testing done. 

I was able to go get a nerve test on my arms this week and had seen the Dr. a few weeks back. He said he thinks my injury is like a linebacker injury when they hit each other, the shoulders get jarred back into the socket and it can tare the muscles in the shoulder blade area. 

Today, I had my first MRI. Princess Five had one on her left shoulder 3 years ago after her car roll-over. I had one on my right shoulder today. I meet with the surgeon on Monday. I have mixed feelings about this entire thing as some people say they are worse after surgery. Maybe I won't need a surgery hopefully. 

The Dr. said that he thinks that the numbness is coming from the neck. I pray I can start to heal and fine my way back to being a healthy person. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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