
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My First Post Ever was - You are Lucky, No, I am Blessed

In looking at a post to link recently, it has been over nine years since I posted that post. I have been at this a very LONG time and yet there are so many things I think I have posted about and I haven't. I woulnd't have believed back then, that I would have been blogging for so many years. 

It is crazy to think that other than a few internet hiccups or a few sick days, I have posted every weekday for almost ten years. I am a bit stunned with that. It has been a nice journal for our family and I have posted many of our favorite things, but still have many things I have wanted to share, or that I started a part one, and have never finished, and I still have a few files of things I wanted to post about but got so busy with life I never got back to those things. 

I have been on the roof several times in the past few days trying to figure out an issue and am super tired so I am going to leave you with a link to my first post ever. Just know that I still consider myself Blessed in so many ways. I am learning so much, and pray that I can continue doing this for another ten years. 

I am including some pictures from the month of my first post. Here is a link to my first post in April, 2010 called "You are Lucky!" - "No, I am Blessed!"  I hope you enjoy it and have a Blessed day! 

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