
Monday, August 12, 2019

A Day At The Beach - Love My Little Family

I am falling asleep at the computer as I write this so it is going to be short and I just type some weird word as I fell asleep and was dreaming by the time I finished typing the last word and just did the same thing again.

I had so much fun with my cute grandchildren and will try to share a bit more in the next few days for all to enjoy. I took lots of pictures and wanted to share a few today as I have been uploading them to the family. 

This was grandson number 2's first time being able to play in the sand/dirt. He really seemed to  enjoying his time in nature. All three of the grandchildren LOVED being at the waters edge. I wish I would have had more time with them but this is how it goes when there is just me to help with my dad, his leg, his 85th birthday gift and tribute / Games.

This year the kids seemed to need less, "help me" situations and I was taken back by how well my oldest grand- daughter can read. I will have to try and share a bit more later on that subject. I just fell asleep again and was dreaming and typed a few rows of V's. I love camping, but it is always draining. It is nearly 2:30 a.m. and I just fell asleep and was dreaming. It is time for bed! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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