
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

English Classes and Baptisms - Princess Five in NJ

Hola, cómo están, todo bien?

This week was awesome! 

Every Monday we teach English Class, and we always end with a spiritual thought. We taught about hobbies, and so we decided to sing a song for the spiritual thought. I love taking every opportunity I get to sing! 

Tuesday we visited with the San family, they told us that God had kept his promise, and that he had worked a miracle in their lives, and they would now would be able to come to church every week! This family is incredible! They came to church again this week, and they loved it. They asked us if they had any other activities during the week that they could come to as well as what more they could do to prepare for baptism, they are a miracle family!

Thursday we were teaching a private English class, and we had to take a quick pause because the lady's son peed his pants right there in the living room halfway through our lesson...😂

Another one of our friends, made us arroz con leche, with is one of my favorites! And also the worst tasting corn juice, so the best of both worlds, better than that, she waited in the rain for us to hurry and grab her a book of mormon for her from our car!

We had exchanges this week, I went with Sister Hai, and I was able to be an English missionary for the day, it was so weird. It's a whole different mission. It was so fun though! Sister Hai and I served in Paterson together so it was really fun to catch up with her a little bit. We knocked some doors, talked to people in the streets, helped a member clean her house so she could come to church on Sunday. And then we knocked some more doors in a richer neighborhood, which is something I haven't had the opportunity to do on the mission yet. I have a whole new respect for English speaking missionaries.

We had a two hour power yesterday where for two hours we tried to visit as many members as possible. Well most of our members rescheduled for time's throughout the week, but we were able to do some stop bys and I was able to get to know the members a little better.

We were doing a noche de hogar with a family and sister Staff was trying to say "tenemos juegos" (we have games), but instead she said, "tenemos fuegos" (we have fire) so that was super funny.

Sushi and Sister Hai - 2 of my favorites

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