
Friday, August 9, 2019

My Rash Is Back - 111 Makes It All Alright

 I was walking with a friend the other night when it started to rain. It was humid and wet and we sat on her front porch and I felt a hot poker feeling on my leg. 

I thought maybe I got a spider bite but I should know better by now. It got itchy, then it got red and started to grow in size, then it started to burn and ooze.... Yep, the parasite rash! I have only ever felt the hot poker feeling at night when I was asleep in bed but I think since we were walking late in the night and the combination of rain causing my legs to be wet, the little nightmares poked out for a drink! 

I didn't get the iodine on it quickly enough and it burned and itched all through the night last night and most of the day as I worked and walked. This evening, I was at the store after Princess Two brought her car down and we dropped it off at the mechanics, we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things and walking around the store was so painful. I could feel the worm burrowing under the skin in that area and it was burning so much. I couldn't wait to get home and put some Lugols Iodine and Diatomaceous Earth on it. 

We pulled into the driveway and I looked at the clock as I turned off the car and thought, of course it is 11:11. I have been having lots of those and finding coin experiences lately and wanted to blog about those but I have been so busy lately that I am struggling to get my blog done at all so I do what is the quickest thing I can do. 

Hopefully, things will calm down in the next few weeks and I can get my life a bit more organized and finish my webpage about the parasite and finish working on my dad's and moms stuff and get working on my own! 

Have a Blessed and rash free day! 


  1. Hello, my name is Sandy. I saw some of your Utube videos about the Nematomorpha issues you are endearing. I don't know how to contact anyone who has a Utube Channel, so I'm hoping you see this. I have much I would like to speak to you about. First of all, I am a Christian, too. And, I have Morgellons. I believe that you are battling two different things, if that hair on your "Nematomorpha Out Of Skin After A Shower" and the video where you try and put the hair into a saline solution vial, actually came from you. The reason I say that is because that was a Morgellons fiber. They come from smart dust that is airborne. They get into you, replicate, and grow and then come out of your skin, eyes, ears, nose, fingernails, etc. They are intelligent and can Burrough themselves into, say, a towel or blanket, imprint the fabric, replicate, and grow to the very likeness of that towel or blanket. There is much I would like to discuss with you. I have been all alone in this and could use a friend. I love helping others and feel obligated to reach out to people that are going through the same or similar issues. Watch "Morgellons and Smart Dust infect Individuals to be Tracked via Satellite" by TuriyaFile featuring Harald Kautz Vella (German Scientist). Most "targeted individuals", T.I.'s have a secondary condition that breaks down your immune system, allowing the Morgellons to take over. This subject is very long and involved and I have so much more I would like to discuss, maybe I can be of some help to you. If you know how I can contact others from Utube, please let me know. People are in real trouble, not just physically, but psychologically,too. We all need support and I would be grateful for your insights. Thank you for your posts! It is so comforting to have others in your corner who want to get the warnings and helpful findings out to others. Thank You and God Bless You!!

    1. Hi Sandy, I have been diagnosed with Horsehair Nematomorpha. I believe that many people that have Morgellons actually have this parasite. It is hard to diagnose as it isn't on the human database. This parasite is very similar to Hook Worm and Strongyloidiasis parasites. I don't think that this parasite was designed, it is found in nature and I believe that it has probably always been around similar to Lyme disease but just hasn't been diagnosed and studied. I appreciate that you are willing to help and share. I have been blessed that so many have taken the time to share. I hope that we can figure it out soon. I believe that there is a cure and pray that we can find it soon. You can write me on my youtube email,
      Thanks again for you kind post. Have a blessed day!

  2. I got a picture of it under my skin tonight today. Everyone thinks I'm crazy except for a couple close friends. I thought they were white but they are black. The.peroxide hurt to much...I tried it. But every time I washed clothes it burned a little like that. So tonight I just stuck my whole hand in the five gallon bucket of homemade laundry soap.and watched. I got the white spots and when I looked with a jewelers loop they were black. So I started taking pictures. I'm good with a digital camera because I sell stuff on eBay. And well....I haven't posted it yet but I have it all on video. And one of my best friends has the same symptoms as me. But when I saw your black tooth post BAM it was the final connection. Both of our X's had a black tooth. They are both male so they are the carriers. We r both female so it want to live in us. My homemade laundry soap got it all worked up. Maybe it will help people. I haven't really experimented with it but as soon as my hands stared to wrinkle all up and get tight like an old lady...I put it on and out it came. Mine retaliates when I try to kill it. I'm gonna Balor in waxahachie tx in a few minutes. See if the think I'm a fruitcake this time around.

    1. I would love to see the video and pictures. You can send them to and if you are ok with it, I can post and share them if they are clear enough. What is in your homemade laundry soap? I would be interested in experimenting with it. I hope all went well at Balor. Let us know how it went. Have a Blessed day and thanks for sharing.
