
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Wishing the Leaving Missionaries Well - T-Shirts - Pillowcases - Laundry Bags

When my older girls were on their missions, I had my siblings and their cousins sign t-shirts to mail them. I was having the same people sign a shirt for Princess Four on her mission when one of my nieces said, "I wish you would have sent one of these to me! 

I decided at that point to send one to each of the missionaries in our family. My girls said that they really didn't enjoy the t-shirts much as they wouldn't wear them out and they were not good for sleeping in the cold or really hot. I then thought I would send pillowcases. Every missionary needs a pillowcase. 
Recently, I found a thick duffle type laundry bag and thought that that may be a better gift for them as it wouldn't be washed as much and they all need extra bags even if they don't have to go to a laundry mat. 

I really don't think it matters what you send, I think that it just makes them feel good knowing people are thinking about them and wishing them well. 

Here is a link to where I did one for Princess Two. We usually do t-shirts at family camping or parties. Since we weren't able to do Easter camping this year, it has taken months to get all the signatures collected. It was nice to be able to finish getting them at two different events this weekend. 

I thought I would share these three ideas as I think each time they see them, they will know they are loved. 

I turned the pillowcase inside out to hide names, but you can get the idea. Have a Blessed Day!  

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