
Monday, July 29, 2019

Oh What a Man That Gaston - My Nephew The Giant Actor

I have some amazingly talented family members. My brother sings in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir which is now known as The Choir at Temple Square. He has five sons who are all tall and amazing singers like their father. They've sung some songs together 
a 'Capella and it is amazing.   

One of his boys, who happens to be the tallest, tried out for the role of Gaston in a production near his  home of Beauty and the Beast. He was cast as Gaston. Due to copyright issues, I couldn't record him singing or acting in the play but he was SO amazing. His voice was naturally so loud they had to turn down his microphone. He is also SUPER tall! Not only is he tall, he is large in stature. 

His other four brothers are mostly very tall and thin. This nephew is not thin, but he is not fat. He is just  a large man. I have posted about him before. He is the tallest of the brothers, but not by much. Here is a post where I show how big his hand print is.

I didn't think I would be near his home to see him in the play as I don't live near them, but I ended up visiting the area and my sweet step-sister bought me a ticket and 12 of us ended up going to see him opening night and he stole the show! His booming tenor voice was just beautiful. He  was so good I wanted to hear more songs from him! 

He got a huge burst of applause at the end of the show. He was perfect for the part! I really wish I could have recorded him singing it but the whole copyright thing makes it hard. 

He wants to move to Hollywood and become an actor. He is just tall enough that that might work. If they could hear him sing, I am sure it would increase his chances. I for one think he would be an amazing pro wrestler. He could be "Gaston - The Singing Wrestler!" 

I don't know how he would feel wearing a singlet but I saw "Andre the Giant" wrestle in person back in the 80's and my nephew towers over me and I think he could rival the best in size. Now when it comes to bulk or muscles, he would have to put the work in, but I think he could ham it up!

Many family members went to the play over the run and we were all just thrilled at his performance. It was well worth attending. Bravo Nephew, you are AMAZING! 

Have a Blessed day!

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