
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jesus Loves You - From Princess Five in NJ

This week was really long, and not a whole lot happened, but here are some highlights from this week!

•Our friend Wander, a returning friend from Ecuador, came to church on Sunday! He's awesome!

•It's been crazy hot and humid! Because of this and school being out, Kearny has kind of been a ghost town. Everyone is either in the city or at the beach or hiding away in their homes and the streets are empty. This means we do a lot of finding and get a lot of ice-cream 😊

This week we found one of those crazy giant ants in our house, the kind that looks like it could snatch your sandwich at a picnic, it was like the size of quarter.

We had a cool miracle this week where we had to go pick up some popcorn from a member before we went to a ward movie night to help with snacks. We were close on time and we were worried that we weren't going to make our bus. After we picked up the popcorn, we were rushing to the bus but a car pulled up. And it just happened to be a member who was dropping off some empanadas she had made for a friend, and she was on her way to the church right after that, so she was able to give us a ride! Just a little thing, but we would have probably ended up walking to the church, so we are very blessed.



Hermana Princess Five 
1. Giant hamburgers from a Brazilian fast food restaurant.
2.Thai ice-cream 
3.Latin America Ice cream that tasted like old lady cookies but like still really good!
4. Jesus loves you!

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