
Friday, May 10, 2019

Starbucks Blessing - Made My Day

A few years back, we got a Starbucks Coffee shop in our town. It isn't big, but lots of people appreciate having in in town. I don't drink coffee, and don't drink much hot chocolate, and have probably only ever gone to a Starbucks in an airport to get some fruit and a muffin at some point in my travels. 

I recently got two Starbucks gift cards electronically. I don't think I will ever use them, so I thought I would go to our local store and see if I could get the gift cards off the electronics and actually get a regular gift card that I could give to one of the girls to use on a date or something. 

I went to the store and the first thing I saw was a penny on the counter on my side behind the register. If you don't know about my penny finding, check out my "In God We Trust" post here to explain about that. I was struggling to get the gift card off my phone and use the codes and the worker there was so nice to help me figure it out. Since I had two different electronic cards, it took me a few minutes to pull them each up separate and use them. 

The first was for $5 and that one went smoothly, so I figured I could just add the second card which was for $3 to the first card. However, Starbucks won't allow you to put any amount under $5 on a card at a time, so the woman pulls $2 out of her pocket and said she would pay the difference to put the full $5 onto my gift card which would give me the $10 total on the gift card. 

I shared with her before that moment that I was getting the gift card for my daughter that was visiting. She told me that someone gave her the cash earlier and told her to use it on someone to pay it forward. I shared that I did tell my daughter that  I  may have to get even numbers and would just pay the extra $2 if needed to make it a round $10 gift card and the woman told me that she really did need to pay it forward and shared that when her kids upset her or do something "stupid" she makes them give her money to pay it forward and that she wanted to use the money to give to my daughter. 

I thought it was really sweet of her and shared that she really made my day! I asked if I could take a picture of her for my blog, and she told me I could and posed with the gift card. I gave her a hug before leaving and thanked her. We talked about a few things and I am taking a thank you to her tomorrow. It really made me smile as I haven't had someone do something like that for me with no expectations in a while. Those I know do kind things for me all the time, but for a complete stranger to just reach out like that to help me help my daughter just really touched me. 

Shout out to Starbucks for their wonderful employees in a small town! Have a Blessed Pay It Forward Day! 

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