
Monday, May 13, 2019

Road Trip, Old Friends, Overheated Car, and Endangered Species - What A Weekend

One of my girls came down for a few days. We thought we would get some things done and work on updating some of my old videos on YouTube. 

Basically, we did almost none of the things that we thought we were going to do. Instead, we helped with a funeral of a many my age that died in a car accident. He wasn't from our area but his family had a plot in the area so we helped feed the family and cleaned up after the funeral. 

We got Princess signed up for health insurance, got her summer school schedule set adding and removing classes and a summer internship organized and she is now registered. She got several of her first assignments and classes started as most are online. 

We took a road trip this week to visit a girl who served as a missionary with her. My daughter trained this girl for the first few weeks she was in Japan and she just arrived home from her mission in Japan this week. 

On our road trip, we had the car overheat going up hill /(ok more like mountains) with the air conditioner on full and cruise control on. Not sure why that combo make the overheat light come on and the car act funny, but it has done this before on another road trip when it was hot under the same conditions. I think it has something to do with the wiring getting hot as the car engine temperature doesn't overheat or show hot, so I think it has to do with the car wiring being overloaded. 

We got to see an endangered species of flower in bloom all along a certain stretch of highway. I stopped to take some pictures as it isn't common to see them.

We were able to help Princess's missionary friend with the meal and clean up for her family homecoming and enjoyed hearing her share memories from her mission. We found out that one of her best friends happened to go to school many years ago with Princess Five before they moved, so we took this cute picture to share with her tomorrow. 

I got to speak with many Mothers in my life, wishing them the best Mothers Day ever! I received calls from all my girls except Princess Five, who is going to call us all tomorrow as I knew I would be out of town traveling this weekend. 

I am exhausted, but full of gratitude and joy that my car is still running and just needed a bit of a cool down, grateful that I got to spend some good time with one of my girls, grateful that I was able to see this rare flower, grateful that I was able to meet my daughters companion and that we were able to take the road trip to allow them to see each other. 

It was a rough day for the companion as having her homecoming on Mothers day, my daughter was the only person from the mission in Japan that was able to show up. I guess the rest were spending the day with their mothers. It was nice that we were able to make the trip to support her as well as me getting to spend lots of quality time with my daughter. 

I am grateful for a comfortable bed and hope I get some good sleep. I haven't slept well due to rain pressure storm headaches, late nights, and early mornings for a week now. 

I hope you had a wonderfully Blessed Mothers Day! 

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