
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Talking To The Family - Mothers Day Call From Princess Five

When I had a missionary out in the field, I used to only get to talk with them on Mothers Day and Christmas. There were changes a few month back that allowed them to call weekly if they want to do so, or are able to, depending on where they are serving in the world. 

I have LOVED getting to speak with my youngest Princess on the phone more. She doesn't call every week, but I have enjoyed lots of calls with her. The rule is that they can only call the parents home one day a week and not call all their family members all over. So, if someone is at my home, they can speak with her. 

During the past few months, I have been blessed to have several visits from my girls and Princess One and Princess Four have been able to speak with her once each when visiting me on "call" day. 

This week was different due to Mothers Day. If you read my post yesterday, you will see that I was out of town for the holiday and so we scheduled our family Mothers Day call for today! Princess One's family was home after a week vacation and I was lucky enough to have Princess Four at my house, so she and I were able to enjoy the call together. 

Princess Five looked great and we really enjoyed having everyone on the phone / video chat. Three of the family were at work, and went in early to take a long lunch as Princess Five called mid-day. 

It was fun seeing my grand-children enjoy talking to their aunts, but it is hard to have that many people on a chat sometimes as we speak over each other. 

I loved at the end of the call, I asked Princess Five to share her feelings about Christ and about her Heavenly Father with us in Spanish and it was such a sweet and tender testimony of God that it brought tears to my eyes and a few of her sisters as well. 

I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family who are willing to travel the world in service to others and to share about God and His love. I know they can, and will, change the world, and I consider myself very blessed to be their mother. 

It was a WONDERFUL Mothers Day, and I am grateful for modern communication that allowed me to speak to my entire family for a long time today for minimal effort and cost. It is amazing to me that in my lifetime I sent and received Western Union telegraphs when I wasn't much younger than my youngest while living in New Zealand as an exchange student. We are blessed to live in this day and age. 

I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Mothers Day as well! 

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