
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tea Tree Oil For Baby Teething, Pulling Teeth, Braces Pain, Wisdom Teeth, and BURNS

I have posted about Tea Tree Oil in many different posts in the past, but realized the other day that I haven't posted a video about it online. I figured while I was making some other health videos for my favorite health products, I would make one for Tea Tree Oil. 

I have used Melaleuca products for 30 years. I first started using it when Princess one was teething and it was SO amazing for that. I have used it for all my girls when they had teeth pulled or we pulled out loose teeth. Here is a post where I share about that.

I have used it on all of my girls wisdom teeth and wish I had known about it when I had mine out! None of them got dry socket or had any problems healing from their impacted teeth. Here is a link to Princess Five getting her teeth out.

Here is a link to where we used it on burns. I have used this for 30 years on burns since Princess one burned her hand as a baby on a vaporizer. 

I talk in the video I made of a product made by the company "Melaleuca" which is my favorite product from that company. It is called "Tub and Tile" cleaner and I have also used this for 30 years and it cleans off all the soap scum, mineral deposits and is the best window cleaner for mineral spots from sprinklers etc. Here is a link to that post.

Here is a post about essential oils in general. If you haven't ever used any essential oils, this post will explain that, and if you have to pick two, I would say get "Tea Tree Oil" and "Thieves" oil from Young Living Oil. These two oils are the two oils I have used most over the years and actually carry in my purse at all times, and have used them SO many times out of my purse for emergency situations. 

Here is a link to where I show information on my "pages" rather than just my blog posts where I talk about all natural medicine and what I use each item for as needed. I sent this information with all my girls on their missions around the world so they would have something to treat whatever came up while away. 

This oil has blessed my family is so many ways and it is seriously one of the top 100 things I am grateful for and don't leave home without! Have a Blessed and pain free Day! 

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