
Monday, March 11, 2019

Sulphur Soap Verses Pine Tar Soap For Parasite Biofilm

I had several viewers on YouTube, and on my blog share that I should try "Sulfur" soap for the Horsehair Nematomorpha parasite biofilm that collects on my skin. 

I looked in several areas at Walmart trying to find sulfur soap and finally found it in the acne section of beauty products. While there, I found several other types of soaps that looked like they may work on the parasites, so I spent a bit of money to try all three soaps out.

The Sulphur bar of soap is 3% Sulphur as the active ingredient. I bought that bar and then noticed the "pine tar" bar of soap. It smells like a camp fire and even makes my bathroom smell like camping.

I also bought a "black" soap for eczema wondering if it would work as well. I purchased all three and tested them each on my body during a recent shower. 

You can watch my video for the results, but basically, I really liked the pine tar soap and think it may work better due to the pine tar which is like turpentine and makes the parasites scatter. I also liked the black soap which did a similar thing. 

I also share that a viewer suggested that I used vinegar in a spray bottle on my skin in the shower to get the film off and I tried it and it worked fairly well but I had to spray it several times. It is lots cheaper than the soaps so I may just stick with the vinegar. 

Since I already have the soaps, I will try each soap more and give an update after using it regularly. I want to thank those that made suggestions on the different soaps to use and try! I also tried a new type of CBD oil  that is made with the entire flower and shared on my video that I have an allergy to anything with alcohol in it. My tongue gets raised bumps and sores on it when I take any type of homeopath or tincture that uses alcohol including Bach Flower Tinctures.

Thanks again to the viewers with the suggestions on soap and any other type of "cure" for this nightmare. Have a Blessed and parasite free Day!

1 comment:

  1. Try Harrogate sulphur soap from the UK. It smells nice, compared to pine tar soaps
