
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Princess Five Teaching English and Knocking Doors

Hello all, It's basically second Christmas here in Paterson and I will explain why:
It snowed a ton at the beginning of this week, and whenever that happens, sister companion and I like to break out all the Christmas music we have, since we don't have much to listen to. 

We have been busy / lazy, and currently have, not one, but two Christmas trees up in our apartment. Fun facts about Hispanics, many of them don't like taking down their decorations from the holidays, so when we are knocking on doors, we often look for lingering decorations from passed holidays to know which houses to knock.

We've been getting a lot of food from members, which for some reason it mostly cereal, we have a box in our apartment dedicated to cereal now because there is nowhere else to put it.

I still don't have the best Spanish, so when a congregation member is talking to me, and I don't know what to say, I just compliment whatever they are wearing, so this week at church a sister who I sat by in Sunday school last week gave me the skirt she wore the week before because I liked it. 
Our neighbor also gave us some yeah Christmas in March.

This week we have been super busy, we have had a lot of English classes, and lessons. Our church has a game night every Friday, and we went for the first time because we invited one of our English students, let's just say I'm not too good at dodgeball, or basketball, or soccer, but our friend really liked it. So that's good. Sorry this week was kind of boring, here are some blurry picture of us in a ghetto elevator and knocking in an apartment building👍🏼

Hermana Princess Five

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