
Friday, March 8, 2019

Grapefruit Seed Extract = GSE - Natural Antibiotic Life Saver

In the past ten years of blogging, I have posted about most of the medicinal stuff I use in our house. I like to post about how I do things so my kids will have a place to go and reference things when they have their kids.

I have posted about GSE, Grapefruit Extract Oil. Here is a link to a post where I share about using it in dried out mascara to moisten it and also kill off any bacteria in the mascara as sometimes that can be a problem in mascara. My mother had eye infections for years as her mascara would get infected and then she would reinfect herself over and over. 

Here is a link to the page where I discuss it and how I use it, but I guess I don't have a regular blog post on the subject. 

I finally made a video talking about GSE only. I know I have many blog posts where I share about GSE and how I use it in different situations but it is good to have a page where I can share about it and what we use it for regularly in the house. 

If you have allergies to antibiotics, this product is a life saver literally. I gave it to my mother when she had sepsis and at other times and it really did save her life. Most of my extended family have used this product as long as I have as well. It is such a blessing in our life! Our family has suffered from chronic yeast infections so anything we can do to avoid making those worse is a blessing. 

I want to share that I haven't found any good results using the pill form of this product and forgot to share that on the video. I also don't like their nasal spray as it stings somewhat with some peppermint oil or something. I prefer another brand of nasal spray that actually has GSE in it called "Seagate" nasal spray which I made a video about, so keep an eye out for that post coming soon. 

It seems like every company has one or two really good products and others I am not so excited about, but I have used both the regular and the concentrated form of GSE for many years and love both products. 

Have a Blessed and healthy day! 

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