
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Little Bit Of Music Goes a Long Way - Going Digital For Music

If you read this blog, you will see that I don't like to do nothing. I am always working on many projects or on the go with kids and family events. 

I learned at a young age to keep busy and even when I watch a show or something, I am usually working on a project. It is VERY hard for me to sit and watch a show and not be working. I usually only sit and watch a movie on the big TV when my kids or guests are visiting and I give them pedicures etc.

One would think with that type of personality, that I would have an empty home and my house and yard would be perfect. For some reason, it has gotten worse and worse over the years as things come up, other things got set aside. 

If I start a project, I usually push through to finish. The only exception is when another big thing comes up and the first project gets picked up and put somewhere. I was working on my mothers estate items when Princess Five rolled her car and it took her a year to recover. At that time, all of my mothers items were stuffed into different areas and slowly one or two got worked on but I did more in the few days they were delivered than I have since they were put places, as other things tend to be more pressing when they are in the open. 

I have LOTS of cd's. Music has been a huge part of my life and I gave that gift to my children as my mother did to me. They are all singers and enjoy music. Princess One took her daughter to see a musical this week for a "date night" and she just turned five, so even my grandchildren are learning to love music. 

Because I have had so many things going on in my world, music took a huge back seat to taking care of house and home along with my mother, her estate, and my own family. I have had cd's I have never listened to in my home for 10 years. 

The music on my phone was a playlist Princess Two made early in her high school years. It got moved forward from phone to phone via SD cards and I have never taken the time to upgrade as my old computer had some issues with cd's and capturing them, and then when I purchased my new computer, it didn't have a cd drive.

Knowing I wanted to upload all my music, I purchased an external cd / dvd drive over a year ago. I also wanted to capture all my videos I put on DVD and digitize them, so I figured it would be useful for both things. I have had a stack of cd's on my desk for a few years now, and it has grown as I find something I like at second hand stores. I found "the greatest hits" albums for "the Beatles, Queen, Elton John, Billy Joel, Styx", and many other bands that I enjoy, so I have wanted to get them digital for a long time.

As you know, I have been working on a website for the parasite, my mothers history and book, and researching and trying new things to kill off the parasites. I feel like I am living to help others and have spent many years working on my mothers stuff with not much help from my family. So, I decided the other day to do something for myself. I rarely do something just because I want to and I would love to travel but funds are tight so I figured adding music to my world would be something just for me. I pulled out the back up drive and started transferring music onto my computer. I had a good library from many years back but it was mostly kids music as I put them on for the kids. I have probably finished about half of the cd's now and it has taken me over a week to get that much done. 

I am really enjoying the fun new / old music that I have transferred so far. I told my girls to bring home their cd cases so I can upload all their music as well, and then I am going to make back up drives of all our music for each girl so they can have any and all the music we have enjoyed all the years and have the kids music for their children when the time comes. 

I am really shocked by the amount of music we have that wasn't on the computer. It really has been a VERY long time since I enjoyed the music I own. I usually listen to audio books when working and now that Netflix is on any device, I listen to shows, but there is nothing like listening to pumped up music when I am working in the yard or painting. I also have a car that takes usb and SD cards so I am looking forward to enjoying my favorites as I drive! 

I feel so blessed that I have so much music available at my fingertips. I am looking forward to enjoying it more! Have a Blessed and music filled day! 

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