
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Replacing Parts on the Air Med Deluxe 8000 Massage Chair

I got a massage chair awhile back and with some great help from the repair man at the Company for the Air Med Deluxe 8000 chair, I was able to get a new part and put it in. 

For the past few weeks we have been enjoying sitting in my chair. It has been wonderful having some massaging while relaxing. I was sad when I heard some popping noises in the bottom of the chair and the repair man asked me to take a video and send it to him so I took some video.  

I do want to share that if you purchase a transformer to replace the one that isn't working, you don't need to worry about the placement of the new wires, just put the blue on the nearer plugs and the others where you took the others off. I worried that I had to get them in some specific order but the worker said it didn't matter. 

I thought I would also take the time to share my favorite settings and explain about the settings. I really have enjoyed the chair and hope I can figure out what is causing the clicking noise. 

Have a blessed day! 


  1. Hi Tejae, where you found the toroid transformer, I have the same problem. How much it cost? Thank you!


    1. I have had many requests for the contact information for this company so I am posting it here. If you want to contact customer service, the number for their company is 310-538-2298. Have a Blessed Day! It was $350 U.S.

  2. Just as a FYI, the company is currently backordered in the transformers. I was able to find this one for $90 and while it is physically larger, some modifications to the plastic cover allowed it to fit. This one should last longer then the OEM as it is raited for a higher amperage.

    1. So did you install that one and did it work? Everything in working order? Also, did you have to splice the wiring etc?

  3. I did have to splice the ends on the new transformer. Other modifications is I shifted the small transformer over a inch and drilled a new hole for the big transformer a inch out. Plus cut a notch in the case.

    1. Hello john, can you recall what wires you spliced? they no longer have the toroid transformer available but the one you have used is still in stock. thanks.

  4. The link takes me to Hammond 500 VA torodial transformer with 48V C.T. @ 10.42A Secondary VAC Series / 24V @ 20.82A VAC Parallel & 5.10% Voltage Regulation - is that the right one?

    1. The person who wrote that post and posted the link hasn't been answering questions. I would guess it would work if it worked for him. Perhaps talk to an electrician or call the help numbers for the chair and ask if they have been able to get the order in, if not, maybe they can help you determine if it will work. Sorry I don't know more. Have a blessed day!

  5. Thank you do much Tejae for your helpful posts and videos! So did you buy their expensive transformer? Is your Air Med 8000 chair still working? ! When I call 310 538 2298 the VM says leave a message for 3109950994. What's the name of the company? Do you have the specs on your transformer? I hope your health has improved!

    1. I did buy the expensive transformer. It is working well since I put in the new transformer. Leave a message at both of the number saying you need to speak to the service guy for the Air Med chairs and they can call you back. I am thinking Covid may have shut them down for a bit. The company is a larger company but has the chairs as part of the larger one, but call those numbers and leave a message and see if they call you back. I don't remember the specs,I think I got them off the transformer I pulled out of the chair. The company can help with that. Thank you for your well wishes and gratitude! Have a blessed and safe day!

  6. looking for a transformer 2298 for this chair

    1. Did you read the comments and replies above? You can call the numbers and talk to the repair guy and they can help you find the transformer if they got them in from China. Last time I spoke to them, they had ordered them but didn't get them due to covid etc. However, there was a commenter either on here or on my youtube videos about this chair (search my channel thesecretisgratitude on youtube for "massage chair" and those videos would have the comment in the comment sections) the man built a transformer out of two smaller transformers and spliced them together and just cut a hole in the top of the container in the back base to make them fit and said it worked for him so perhaps that would be an option if you couldn't find the right transformer for the unit! Good luck and have a blessed day!
