
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Princess Five Is on The Move - Her First Transfer

For some reason, I am struggling with my internet again today. Princess Five sent me a one sentence email telling me she mailed something home and she was going to call me later. 

She called later and said she didn't have time to write a group email as she is getting transferred to another city and had to get all her stuff packed as both she and her companion are moving. I asked her to at least send a few pictures so I could have something to post other than 

"she is moving."  

When she called me, she let me know that she is being transferred to a walking area. It is another lower economic city, as being a Spanish speaker, she will be living in many immigrant neighborhoods, so most of her mission will be similar type neighborhoods. She is fine with that, and is enjoying meeting all the different cultures that she wouldn't be surrounded with at home. She did mention that her current companion is headed home and then to school. She said she will miss having her as a companion as she speaks several languages and said her new companion hasn't been speaking Spanish for much longer than she has, so she is a bit worried they will have a hard time communicating in her new area with people, as they are both new to Spanish. 

She is excited for the change of city and companion but isn't as excited about the walking part as she has gotten used to having a car to drive. She did say she thought it would help her lose a few pounds as being stuck inside all winter had her gain one or two pounds. I think it is more of a tone up she is looking for and hopefully she will feel safe walking the streets in her new city. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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