
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happiest Of Valentines Days - 111 - In God We Trust - Gratitude Moment

My internet has been flickering on and off since last night. I got a new company in the past year and for the most part it has been consistent but is still slow. 

Recently, I think there may be some water in the line issues with the cold as it is on and off. I apologize for the late post on yesterday post, but the company isn't sure what is causing the problems. Just know that if I don't post, it is probably that reason until we can figure out what is going on. 

I wanted to post lately about how many times I have seen a 111 in my life. There seemed to be a bit of a dry spell as I usually see it all the time. I have seen it maybe once or twice a month for the past year or so. In the past two weeks, I have seen it 20 times or more. 

Two different shows I watched this week had a "111" in them. I think one was an internet channel on buying storage units and the other may have been a Netflix show on keeping the boarders safe, but I can't remember for sure. 

I was at a store today that had this old Lego set with a big "111" on it. Monday, I paid a bill that was funny to me, as I don't think I realized at the pump that my gas totaled $11.11.There was a 111 on the envelope to mail the credit card bill.

I keep seeing it on the clocks and will just look at the clock at 11:11 or 1:11 when I haven't looked at the clock for hours. 

I still find coins fairly regularly, but that also has been slower than usual in my life until this week. I found a penny stepping out of my car at Walmart this week, and before leaving the store, I found two more. One was just after getting into the store, I needed to use the bathroom before shopping and I parked my cart just outside the bathroom and my cart stopped just over a penny. Two within a minute. 

The last one was as I was leaving the store. I figured I was covered coming and going. I did stop on my way out of the store to take a picture of the beautiful display of flowers for Valentines Day shown at the top! It was so beautiful, I had to give gratitude for my eyes to see all those lovely colored roses. Absolutely beautiful. 

I hope you are having a VERY Blessed Valentines Day! 

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