
Friday, February 15, 2019

Funny Valentines Day Orchid Story - How Blessed I feel

A few weeks ago, I shared a story about a beautiful little Orchid that one of my girls sent me a few years back. Here is a link to that post. 

I share it has become a bit of a joke in the family due to the size of the orchid. For Valentines Day, I got a knock at the door and by the time I arrived to the door, there was just a box on the doorstep. I can imagine that UPS and FEDX are both super busy this week. 

I figured my girls had sent me some flowers for Valentines Day and upon opening the card attached on the box, I had guessed right. It was a lovely card from my girls and brought a smile to my face. It is nice to be remembered on Valentines Day and I sent or dropped off a Valentine gift to each of my girls. 

We usually do a Valentine scavenger hunt for the holiday, but since none of them are anywhere near me today, I had to plan ahead sending them out weeks ago. 

Here is a link to the first of our scavenger hunt posts. 
Here is a link to our second post on that. 
Here is a link to 2012 hunt. 
Here is one for 2013. 
Here is a link for 2015.

When I opened the orchid, I made a video because I was super excited and I wanted my girls to be able to see me open it and to see the beautiful flowers they sent. 

I really laughed hard when I saw how big the orchid is. It is SO much larger than the other but both are so beautiful. I really LOVE the white orchid. After I stopped video taping, I was able to look at it a bit more. I rinsed it and took out some Styrofoam that was in the glass container and allowed the orchid to drain as there isn't a hole in the larger glass container. 

When I looked at it, I realized that there are six blossoms on it. The "mom" and five daughters all in different stages of blooming and sizes, yet all white and perfect! It really made me reflect and it stood so proud, straight and strong and was so tall it almost touched the top of my kitchen window. 

I feel like it really does reflect my girls and I and enjoyed it the entire day and really made my Valentines Day! I hope you all had a Blessed, and beautiful Valentines Day.

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