
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Flaky Internet and a Prank on Missionary Princess Five

My internet went out as I was trying to blog last night. I am sorry for the delay in posting for today. Here is Princess Fives latest email.

"Hola wonderful friends and family! I always forget how wild our week was until I sit down to write.

Earlier this week we were returning to our car from street contacting, and there was a ticket on our car! Literally there is nowhere safe to park your car in Paterson, where you're not going to get a ticket. It was hard to read and it didn't really make sense, so we went to the website, and luckily they didn't register it, so we wouldn't have had to pay the fine, but then it turns out that we got pranked by the Elders, who had gotten the ticket a while back. And we have a very similar plate number but we didn't catch that it was different. So kind of a stressful, but way funny in the end.

On Wednesday, we didn't have much going on so we called the English Elders who serve in our are area, to do a table stand, we spent like half an hour planning and preparing it, we went out like normal, carried everything down main street, and were setting up our table, and I was talking to a woman, when sister "companion" called me over, so I turned around, and there were not 1, not 2, but 3 government officials, telling us we needed a street vendors permit, and that if we didn't take our stuff down, they would come take it away. So we walked everything back to the car, and decided to continue street contacting. 

It was a little frustrating, but kind of a blessing. We have started street contacting just about English classes because of it, and you would be surprised at how many people on the street just give out all their personal information to two strangers on the street, but we are grateful that they do.

While we were out one day, we were talking to this woman named Ana. While sister "companion" spoke with her, I played with her daughter. After the conversation, before we walked away, she told us, "Thank you for this beautiful moment." WOW! I love being able to help others, even if it's just in the smallest ways. 

But, everything is great here in Patty, and still cold as ever (except when we had one day of summer where it was like 60°) but I love you all I hope all is well, and I want to ask all of you to search for the hand of God in your life, to look for those little things, just like this cute Lady, because they make all the difference.
CuĂ­dense mucho
Hermana Princess Five"

There's a bridge right by our house, over the river, and we always wanted to go take pictures on it so here are some of those.
We were walking down the street and there was a creepy clown and Micky mouse so we tried to discreetly take this picture, in case they asked us to pay them for it.
And we went to a restaurant called "loca," and that was fun.

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