
Monday, January 14, 2019

Neighborhood Children Rashes Within Two Blocks of My Home

I had a few girls over last week from three different families over to my home recently and while they were visiting, I started noticing a few things.

I noticed that five of the eight girls had visible rashes on their bodies in places. I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable about the rashes but shared with them that my girls would get the same rashes.

As they were here longer, they opened up a bit more and I was able to get some pictures. I am so sad that so many people in our area have this. I know it is everywhere but I think there is a supercluster in our area as we don't have the minerals and iodine to kill them off. 

I posted about a neighbor toddler a few years ago who had these rashes on her feet and hands from sitting in a little dirt area where they would normally plant flowers in the front door area. She was also within a few block distance from my home. 

I don't know how to help these girls. I didn't dare say anything to the parents as there is no cure for the parasite, it is really hard for me to tell people that I think their health problems may be due to having a non-human parasite with no cure. These things freak people out so much, and when they find out that their is nothing I can share to "cute" it, they start to get weird with me as I "remind" them of something they don't want to think about. 

I made that mistake with someone in the past. It really freaked the dad out I think, I believe that he just wanted to pretend that I could be wrong and ignore it. I don't blame them. I have tried so many things on my girls and myself and some of the things I tried on the rashes made them worse so it took me years to figure out how to cure these rashes. 

I feel so torn between telling these parents how to clear up these rashes since I have found something that works, and not saying anything to not cause them stress and worry. 

I have thought about just telling them how to cure the rashes and not say anything about the cause but what do I say if they ask? I haven't decided what to do about it yet but I decided to write the LT. Governor of our state as he is on a Suicide task force to try and reduce the problems in our state because of the increasing suicide rates in our state. 

They had an assistant write me back saying they forwarded the information to the health department but I don't think it will go anywhere. I have spoken to the health department locally but since they don't know what to do about it, I think they ignore it. 

I really just don't know what to do about this anymore. I just feel so horrible about the kids who are suffering with this and I believe that soon there will be an epidemic of lung disease and an increase in goiters, and suicide, depression, anxiety etc. 

I pray that I can figure this all out soon as my lungs are getting so damaged. I hope you have a blessed and rash free day! 


  1. Hi there,
    I saw your youtube video on a rash that developed after staying at a hotel. I Sent a prayer your way hoping God can give you the answers.In the meantime I wanted to offer a few suggestion on why these strange rashes may have occurred after a hotel visit. Look into chemo-drug rash symptoms. Why? Many hospitals are inexcusably sending "cancer" patients to hotel rooms after fully infecting them with IV chemo drugs which will be expelled through the skin into bedding, towels, mattresses etc of hotel rooms. Hotels are severely ill-eqipped to remove radiation from anything much less reused items for the public. For the rashes on the little girls located next to the thyroid glands look into high soy diets..or junk foods laden with soy ingredients..aka: Soy isolates, soy proteins, soy emulsifiers, etc. Soy destroys the thyroid..tell tale sign can be a rash. NAC is a good supplement to cleanse the radiation if that is what you were dealing with. Your symptoms appear as classic radiation poisoning possibly from hotel exposure. There are natural foods that also cleanse radiation from the system. Yes parasites are also noted to cause similar rashes but not on the neck..usually found in warmer areas of the body or hairlines, even eyebrows depending on the type of parasite. Few if any parasites can survive in an alkaline state body. Zappers, cleanses and many other choices work for parasites. While your body is healing I would avoid chemical exposures such as the acetone stripper for your recent project. Radiation attacks all cells even healthy ones. Give your body the tools it needs to heal and prevent other exposures as possible while healing. God bless and be well.

    1. Hi, Thanks for all your suggestions and information. I have never thought of the radiation and chemo regarding hotel rooms. Doesn't that just give you cause to never want to stay. I believe my situation was due to all the bug spray in the room. It was obvious that there was a bed bug problem in the room. I haven't posted all those videos yet, but I even took a little friend home in my suitcase but being careful, found it before infesting my home. They changed our room after the first two nights as I got no sleep and had a hard time breathing and got bed bug bites. I know they knew why I was having issues and put me in another room but it was a nightmare experience.

      I think I am going to make one of those hotel sleeping sacks for when I travel from now on. It was seriously the worst experience I have had sleeping anywhere in my life.
      I have a zapper and haven't seen any difference using it or not. I wore gloves in the latest acetone video and wish I had before that, you are right, as I should have worn them before. I am learning. ;-)
      Once again, thanks for taking the time to share all that information. You have educated me. I appreciate that! Have a blessed day!
