
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Prime 3D Puzzle Review - So Different Than the National Geographic Shark 3D Puzzle

I am trying to catch up on some stuff and clean off my desk. 

I have about 20 SD cards with videos and pictures from the past few years. My back up drive got full and living in a small town, I couldn't get another large back up drive for a few months. Then, even when I finally purchased it, I didn't want to start using the new one without going back to the other cards and filling in where I left off. on the old back up drive.  

Eventually, I had to clean off all my currently used SD cards to go on vacation, so I started the new back up drive at that point this past summer. But, anything around that time and before, for about a year
, is still on SD cards and I decided to clean them off as I am trying to create a new website for the parasites. I can't seem to find the pictures I need to support the symptoms of the parasites on the first few summer used SD cards, so this is going to take much more time that I thought. 

So, I am having to start looking at all those old SD cards that I kept purchasing in town when one will fill up, I would go buy another until I could purchase a huge back up drive. I am paying the price of not keeping up on things now by having to go back and organize the pictures and transfer them to the back up drive. 

I still have those two drives separate, but I eventually want to have one for all pictures and family video. I currently have several with movies, some with iTunes and music, others with family history audio files, another with mostly pictures but a huge blog file, and now a new larger one that I want to combine it all and keep one for movies, one for music and transfer all my music to digital as I don't listen to so much of it as it is on CD's still. 

I  hope to be able to catch up on all this stuff and, once I can get the website for the parasites done, hopefully things will be a little less stressful answering questions online for hours each night due to it all being in different spots. It would be nice to be able to just point them to one website where they can see the videos, pictures, symptoms, how I got diagnosed, and stuff we have tried to cure it. 

Anyway, I once again got off topic. This 3D puzzle, I found at a second hand store and since the first one was such a disaster, I was afraid to do it but decided to take it camping and see if many hands could make it more fun. First off, the picture was much more colorful and easy to see the differences in pieces due to many subjects, where the shark puzzle was one object the same color as the background. 

Even though this puzzle was cut in the same way, with only one puzzle piece type, it wasn't as hard to do because of the color differences in the puzzle. If it were of one thing or a dark background, there would be the same issue we had with the shark 3D puzzle and the puzzle we did recently of Mary with baby Jesus. If you click on the links and look at those puzzles, you will see that a puzzle with all the same shaped pieces and all the same colored pieces is NOT fun to do. 

I would recommend this 3D puzzle and every age enjoyed doing it. I had children, teens, young adults and people my age working on this for about four hours to get it done and it was a 500 piece puzzle. 

I am actually going to take it camping again with us next year, as it was so fun for everyone to do. You can see that at times, it was a frenzy to get to put in a piece. I think I will take a few different puzzles next year so more people can visit and enjoy doing them side by side so there isn't a congestion to get a piece in. 

Such a different experience when the picture is colorful! Check out the video on the Shark puzzle and look at the funny comments below it, as many people had the same experience that we had. So, try the Prime 3D puzzle or just pick a 3D puzzle with lots of colors in them so that you can enjoy your 3D puzzle experience. 

Have a puzzling and Blessed Day!

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