
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Getting Set Apart as a Missionary - Princess Five is Ready To Go

 Princess Five got set apart as a missionary! She is now ready to work fulltime as a missionary for the next 18 months. She now needs to follow mission rules where she dresses like a missionary and doesn't watch movies or TV or listen to music that is distracting etc.

She is SO excited as you can tell by the huge smile on her face. I am so happy for her and I know she will be amazing!!!!! I will share with you her airport "goodbye" as I have to have her to the airport at 5 a.m. She talked to a friend of hers who is going to Mexico on the same day and his flight doesn't head out until 10 a.m. so I am not sure why she had to get such an early flight but I hope that she will be able to sleep well tonight as with having to get up so early, it may be a sleepless night. It is sometimes hard to sleep when you are worried about not waking for a flight etc.

Keep her in your prayers and share your well wishes as she heads out of the country~

Have a Blessed and stress free day!

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