
Monday, November 5, 2018

Packing for 18 Months - Mexico and New Jersey - Two Different Extremes

Princess Five is moving on shortly. She and I have been working hard this week getting all the front trees pruned and I was SO happy to finish them off just before dark Saturday. 

We have been buying clothes for her mission for months. She had most of her woolen items packed and bought but we have been searching for a black pair of supportive shoes for months and she tried several pair but they kept giving her blisters and finally, this past week, she ended up trying on her sisters expensive shoes she took on her mission to Taiwan. 

I wanted to get her new ones but she tried so many and we bought LOTS of shoes but I really wanted her to have comfy shoes. I am hoping these will work for her when she is walking lots but we will have to wait and see how it goes. I haven't been super stressed as much because I can order her some online or buy some here that she tried on and mail them to her. 

It is nice that she will be in the US so I can easily mail her things and not worry it won't make it to her. 

Princess finally got her main bags packed late tonight and we weighed them and she would move things back and forth and then we finally just stuck more in her carry-on and then moved a few things around and we are so close to 50 lbs for each bag. Her bags aren't super tightly packed because the issue is more weight than items as she has heavy boots and coats for winter and lots of woolen underclothes, socks and sweaters along with blazers. 

She also has to pack for Mexico and humid summers so those items are all packed in one suitcase and the heavy winter ones in the other but she had to put a heavy coat and galoshes in the other bag to distribute weight. 

I spent hours transferring music onto her ipod type player and she has some wonderful and inspiring music to take with her. She was excited with all the fun music I was able to pull together from two of her sisters old players and we are blessed to have a great inspiration music library. 

It is exciting to get her ready to go! I am not looking forward to saying goodbye but I know she probably won't even look back as she is looking forward to getting to work.... 

Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. My prayers go with you Princess Five! May you do wondrous works for our God and be blessed in everything you do!

    1. Thank you Maria, I will send her your sweet comments.... All prayers are appreciated! Have a Blessed in all you do as well!
