
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Last Phone Calls - Princess Five Heading out on a Mission

 Princess Five scheduled her "last call" to her sisters so we could have a video chat  and she could say "goodbye" to her sisters and the "kiddos" as she calls her Nephews and Niece. 

We were so busy doing things that I didn't get emotional but at the end of the call it was a bit hard for her. She LOVEs her sisters and the "kiddos" so much and it will be hard for her to be away from them but she is looking forward to serving as a missionary. I will share more tomorrow about things.... 

She had a bit of a cold the past few days and hit it hard with vitamins, zinc, GSE, Colloidal silver, Thieves Oil and Oregano oil. She seemed much better today but I came down with it driving home and I haven't slept much for two nights so I am leaving you with these pictures and just know that there is more to report but I am taking a handful of stuff to hopefully kill this off before it takes hold and pray I can get a good night sleep. 

I hope you have a healthy Blessed Day! 

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