
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Bridges May Be Icy When Wet - Scary Realty of My Day

I am SO tired lately. I have gone to bed about 8 p.m. twice this week and am so tired right now that I just want to climb in my bed but I washed my sheets and need to put them back on the bed and finish blogging first. 

I started a new medication  / treatment today to see how it works on the parasite. I probably should have waited until I had more energy but I have had the treatment for a month or more but didn't want to take it before Princess Five left so I could get done what I needed to for her. I'll share more about it later.

Yesterday, I got up to head out of town and my Tire Pressure low indicator was on in my car. I had taken in it the afternoon before as it came on and had the check it out and they said the passenger rear tire was low. The put some air in and then it was on again in the morning. I had my brother and his wife's homecoming from serving as missionaries in Puerto Rico for the past few years. Here is a post about them serving during hurricane Maria. Here is one about them in the aftermath and how they helped by staying instead of evacuating.  

About 1/2 hour into my 6 hour round trip drive, a truck pulling a camp trailer passed me going the other direction and threw up a rock that was large enough for me to see it coming and it put a dent and crack in my drivers side window! It was super loud and scared me. It has three little branches coming off of it and I am hoping it doesn't crack further with the cold mornings and warmer days. 

I thought about turning around at that point and heading home thinking "something" didn't want me heading on that drive. I was just over an hour into the drive and there was an overpass that I have driven over thousands of times in the past 22 years. I hit it and the car started to turn sideways! Everything started to be in slow motion. I turned the wheel opposite the slide and when I hit pavement again, I was half into the next lane and the car tires were headed in the opposite direction and the car lurched toward the shoulder of the road and thank HEAVENS I had both hands on the wheel as if I hadn't, I know I would have gone off the road and if I hadn't turned the wheels the opposite direction, I think I would have gone off the road airborne in to the median and if I had turned them harder in either direction, I think I would have rolled the car! I am sure I need an alignment now though.

I am SO grateful that there were NO other cars on the road at that early hour! It was terrifying! In all my years driving, that has never happened to me. Nothing even close! I think the new car is lighter in weight and has a higher center of gravity and is higher off the ground, and that may have been the reason. After that, I took my foot off the gas pedal and put both hands on the wheel on every bridge. 

I seriously thought about heading home again at that point. I thought there really must be a reason I needed to go to have so much opposition in going. I had a wonderful visit with my family and after my brothers homecoming, I went to my nieces farewell and then drove home. 

I was blessed to be surprised by Princess Four showing up with my brother who lives near where she attends college. Princess Two showed up at my nieces farewell so I was blessed to be able to see two of my princesses which is always lovely. I think I was so thrown off that I didn't take any photos all day... 

By the time I got home last night, I was so tired. Driving and sitting for 8 hours, all the stress of the car issues and worry about the roads and I was so grateful to get home. I went to bed so early but woke several times with pain in one of my root canal / crown covered tooth. I eventually got up and took some pills and went back to sleep finally. I think that maybe the tooth is keeping me from getting a good night sleep lately and that is why I am so tired. Whatever the problem, I need to get better sleep as I am dragging so much. 

I am so grateful that I got home safely last night. I am headed to bed now and pray I can get some good sleep. 

Have a Blessed and rested day! 

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