
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

VHS Cleanout And Going Through The Games

I talked with all my girls this week about the VHS collection. I have shelves full of VHS tapes that aren't on DVD or I haven't seen them on DVD. 

When I work on projects, I used to watch those movies I hadn't seen or ones I haven't watched in years. If I didn't have a tv around with a vhs, I would carry a tape recorder around and listen to audio books on tape. 

Then, I moved to CD's and now, with phones having streaming, I haven't watched a vhs in many years. I do have family VHS tapes that I need to transfer to digital and have purchased the equipment to do that but I just haven't had the time to get to that. I eventually want to get them all digitized and give each girl a back up drive with all the family videos on it. 

I did keep some VHS tapes that probably aren't available in DVD, and ones they watched regularly but for the most part, I was able to find all the Barney, Comfy Couch, Blues Clues etc on youtube. I figured if they wanted to watch them, that is where they would get them and why should I take up shelves and shelves with VHS shows they would never watch or use and when the grandchildren visit, they are played with the entire time so I really don't need shelves of old VHS tapes. 

I thought about moving over some of the DVD's to those shelves but decided to put some of the games I have on them as the cupboards I used to store them aren't long enough for the old long boxes they used to have for games. I put the games on the shelves and it cleaned up some space in the closet where I used to store those longer games. I am hoping that eventually, I can transfer all our family videos and get rid of all the VHS tapes and be able to put all the games on those shelves. 

I found that I have two of the same puzzle and a few duplicate games over the years, but for the most part, we went through the games a few years back so I am happy with most of the games we have to play when the family gets together. 

It feels good to be able to get rid of more things. I took the four boxes of VHS's to a second hand store along with some of the decorations we were getting rid of recently. I was able to share about five bags of clothes, coats, backpacks and other items with a friend as well. 

I am hoping I can continue to go through all the stuff in the house and remove anything that isn't functional and perhaps get to a point where I could easily move as taking care of the big house and yard probably won't be on my ability to do list in a few more years. 

I wish I were better at letting things go but I always see a use for things and am working on trusting God that if I need something, He will provide it as He always has..... 

Have a Blessed and clutter free day! 

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