
Friday, October 26, 2018

Pruning the Front Trees - Princess Five is a Saint

I am so happy with all Princess Five and I have gotten done in the past two days. 

We were able to get the front flower beds pruned down and finished winterizing them last night before the garbage trucks came this morning. 

Today, I pulled out my pruning tools and my reciprocating saw and my ladder. I have never pruned so fast in all my years of pruning. 

I usually take steps back down the street and make sure I have it flat during the pruning and I also use the clippers and take out the inside growth on the trees before I ever start using the pruning sheets but I just went right to the top of the trees today and started pruning with the sheers so that I could get the most done with Princess Five helping as she will be leaving soon. 

She was a saint and packed up most of the pruned branches into garbage cans. We filled five garbage cans and there were no other cans to fill. Princess five and I worked until it was dark and I got all the trees in the front done but I need to do the two trees closest to the house.

I haven't pruned them on a regular basis but since getting the new gutters on the house, I need to trim them back yearly now to avoid having the nightmare mess I had to deal with last year in pruning them. Here is a link to that post

I have been pruning my trees like this for so many years, I can't remember when I started, but I have posted several times on how to do it. Here is a link to that post. 

I am hoping we can get to the two front trees and the 7 trees I have in the back yard next week before Princess Five leaves for her mission. She has some visits she wants to make, so I don't know how far we will get on that but I would love to finish up all the trees this year. It seems like I get most done and then snow sets in and I never finished up. I will miss having yard help again as it makes it so easy having a helper. 

Have a blessed and beautiful October day! 


  1. You are so awesome...your energy and attitude amaze me. Please tell does one keep Jesus in their heart so close that you don't constantly get caught off guard and angry. God bless.

  2. Praying for you, Princess Five and your entire family.

    1. Maria, you just made our day! You are so sweet. I don't know that I am always happy but I am blessed to know that there are more important things in life.... I do get angry and slip in a few choice words to let off steam but usually after that second of release, I get over it and move on as I don't have time to stay negative or upset. God really helps as by knowing who I am and why I am here, it helps me understand why we need trials and that the ultimate goal is to love others and serve them..... I'd say we are both doing well...… You serve me with your kind words and uplift me as well so keep up the good work! Have a Blessed Day!

    2. Tejae, I do get over things pretty quickly also, but wish I could be more like Jesus and always love. God bless.
