
Thursday, October 25, 2018

It Was A Grand Farewell - Princess Five Leaving Soon

This past Sunday we had a wonderful family gathering to celebrate Princess Five's farewell talk at our church. 

I shared a little bit of the weekend on this weeks posts, about the girls coming down a bit early and us going through things. 

It has been wonderful to be able to have the girls down and see the grandchildren. I enjoyed seeing all the family and many of my siblings families were able to come down and my Dad and his wife came as well. 

I LOVE that so many people were willing to come and support Princess Five at her farewell. She was able to see many of her cousins that she hasn't seen in awhile which was fun for her. 

The girls all had fun spending time with the grandchildren. I also enjoyed spending time with them, but I was so busy that I didn't get to spend the time I wanted with them playing games, coloring, doing puzzles etc. 

I did get up early the one morning they were here and I played a few games with them, but I just really love spending time with them doing anything and everything. I miss them so much between visits. 

Her best friends family came to visit and she appreciated them coming and bringing a treat. So many had super long drives to come, but it made her feel good that they would make that journey and support her that way. 

We have a friend whose son is also headed out on a mission the same week as Princess Five. I have always helped her with her farewell and homecomings and she has always helped me with mine. 

We decided to combine our farewells. Her son and Princess Five both got to speak in church and then we had their family and ours sing a song together. It was nice seeing them sing as I don't get to see that often and it has been years since they all sang together. It was a nice moment I will enjoy remembering. 

We were able to combine resources for the farewell and decorate with both families photos and so it was a nice easy set up with so much help and an easy clean up as well with so many to help. It was really just a great day! 

I only got to hold the cutest baby boy a few times this weekend as they weren't here long and there were so many people wanting "baby" time so I got a few minutes but Princess Five and I are planning a visit to get a bit more time with the kids so she can get all she can before she leaves in just over a week from our visit. 

Things are moving fast now as she is getting packed up and I am going to have withdrawals from having her around for the past few months. It will be rough..... 

Have a Blessed Day!

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