
Monday, October 29, 2018

Decorating Pumpkins With My FAVORITE Markers - Sharpies Are All I Need

I am visiting Princess One's family with Princess Five this weekend as Princess Five is leaving to serve as a missionary for 18 months leaving next week. 

She wanted to visit her sisters family for a few days so she could spend time with the grandkids before she goes as she knows, they may not remember her when she is gone and they will change LOTS while she is gone so she wanted to take this time to really enjoy them before she leaves. 

You can imagine that not having any other sisters married or expecting, and she being the youngest child, she hasn't had much opportunity to enjoy babies. She LOVED holding the baby and playing and coloring with the older kids. 

We had a great weekend with the family and had some fun decorating some pumpkins a neighbor delivered to their house one day. They knew if they carved them, they wouldn't last long so they thought about painting them but that also could get messy and not be very defined with little children so they bought a large variety pack of Sharpie markers to use to color the decorations on the pumpkins. Sharpies are a bit of a joke in our family because I LOVE them. Here is a link about that. 

As you can see, everyone had a fun time and I took a short video of the event and also some cute video of the baby rocking himself in the bouncy seat. I am so disappointed with my new camera. The video is so blurred and still has a grinding noise in it that I am not sure what to do about the situation. 

I may just go back to my old camera for video as it wasn't blurry at least but I couldn't zoom in or out while the video was on so I need to go back to researching to find one that will work for me. 

I did the pumpkin of the rainbow and a portrait of their family standing under the rainbow as I believe my mom is watching over us from heaven and I always see rainbows when thinking about her as she used to sing "Somewhere over the rainbow" to us each night and we sang it at her funeral. Here is a post about that.  

We all had fun and they placed the pumpkins outside for visitors to see. It was an easy activity and we loved being able to do it with them. 

Have a Blessed and Pumpkin filled day! 

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