
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Musical Weekend - Princess Five Has a New Ukulele

I mentioned in yesterdays post that we were visiting Princess One's family for the weekend. 

Princess Five is leaving in a week for 18 months to serve as a missionary. She love the guitar and music but knows she can't take her guitar with her on her mission but was hoping maybe she could take a ukulele as the mission rules said they could take "Flutes, violins, and other small instruments." 

So, she hoped that maybe she could get a ukulele at some point as Princess Four bought one on her mission and played it in a few videos we posted while she was still in Japan on her missions. See a post here about that.

While we were visiting Princess One's family, we all took a walk to a second hand store near their home and while there, I found a beautiful, working 1/4 size violin for $35 in a cute blue soft sided case. I have been shopping second hand stores for years and have never seen one in such good condition and for so cheap! 

I showed it to Princess One and she and her husband bought it. I didn't take any pictures as who would have known how the rest of the trip would end. 

I was driving home with Princess Five in the car as we have still been looking for some black supportive dress shoes and we passed a second hand store on our way home and decided to pop in and see if there were any jewelry for sale in bulk bags or jars. We went in and they had no bulk jewelry but I noticed a ukulele behind the counter and asked the worker if it were for sale. 

He told me it was and it had a $49.99 tag on it but he told me he could give it to me for $39.99. I called Princess Three who has a nice ukulele and asked her if she wanted it and could look up the brand for me. She told me they were used from about $39 to $50 and new from $50 - $100. I talked the guy down to $36.99. It had a soft furry case to keep it safe as well for the price and I know the case would cost at least $10 - $20 anyway so I figured it was a good deal. 

I showed it to Princess Five who was looking at other things and she was super excited about it. She started playing it on the way home for a few minutes and then tried out a few songs after we arrived home after our long drive. 

She said she would play me a song I could post so I video taped a song and was super impressed that she has never played a ukulele before but could whip that up after a long day and not knowing any ukulele cords before this week, she did really well. She kept wanting to play the guitar cords but I thought the fact that she would sing for me at all having picked up her first real ukulele today! 

It is a Lanikai soprano ukulele and isn't a professional one, but it is in good condition. If she is allowed to take it with her, it wouldn't be the end of the world if something happened to it. 
She is hoping she will be able to take it with her on her mission, but we are asking to make sure it is a possibility. 

I also found a 1/4 size violin in the case with a $19.99 price tag at the same store and he told me he would sell it for $9.99 as it needs a new bridge but the case and violin are in good condition so hopefully the new repair piece won't be much and then Princess One can get both of her kids violin lessons for a great deal on both violins!  

It was a great weekend for music in our world! Have a blessed and music filled day! 

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