
Friday, September 14, 2018

Zucchini Muffins - First Solo Baking Experience For Princess Five

I am sad to say that I haven't been the best mom to Princess Five in her teen years. Since she was the youngest, I think I figured I had taught all my girls to cook but because they were so spaced out, I think Princess Five got lost in there as my life has been so hectic since she got into high school and then she was off to college after a crazy summer so she really missed the "learning to cook with mom" experience.

At college, she knew how to make the main things and had picked up a few things I make all the time but I have been gluten free for five years now and so I stopped making all the baked goods that I made when the other girls were growing up. I always had lasagna, zucchini  or banana muffins, and frozen cookie dough in the freezer along with French toast and frozen banana nutmeg waffles

Not eating gluten, I stopped baking and making all those yummy things I used to make all the time. She was in high school and I didn't make those things anymore so she lost out on learning how to make all the family favorites due to that. 

Our favorite neighbor gardener passed away and we got NO vegetables from any neighbor this year. Several moved, two were in a nursing home, and young families that don't garden moved in. I miss my neighbor and his kindness in sharing his beautiful garden with us. 

It was a shock the other day when one of Princess Five's friends came over and handed her a zucchini as a joke. She thought it was funny, but Princess Five was thrilled with the gift. She LOVES muffins and I don't make them so she wanted me to make it for her. I kept telling her I had things to do and that if she wanted them, she would have to make them herself. She made some poppy seed muffins by herself out of a box a few weeks back and thought she was quite domestic, but today, she took a whole vegetable and made three batches of muffins. 

We had a misunderstanding and she thought she couldn't triple the batch so she made individual batches rather than one large batch. It was a good learning experience for her though as I had a migraine all day today and I went in to take some pills just as she was about to put the first batch in the oven and I shared with her that the batter wasn't thick enough and she needed to add more flour. I had forgotten to tell her to drain off the water once the zucchini was shredded.

She came in asking about how to tell when they are done and I told her if the fork comes out with anything on it, it isn't done. Well, the entire muffin picked up when she put the fork in and so she thought that meant to leave them in longer. So, the first batch was beautiful and round on top but a little well done. 

The second batch, she left a little wet and they didn't raise much and had flat tops and spread out on the top of the pan rather than having a raised round top. 

The last batch, she did came out perfect. Just done and round, but that batch was really small. She was making negative comments about a few things and I told her to stop. I asked her what she had learned about baking and she told me several things she had learned from the muffin experience. I asked if all the muffins tasted good as they smelled heavenly. She told me they all tasted great. I told her that if she learned something and they all tasted good, they were all successful! 

I am SO proud of her for actually following through on making something from scratch by herself and we ended up being able to share three plates with neighbors and putting some in the freezer for her sister to enjoy when they come home in a few weeks as well as a few out for her to enjoy. 

It was a great day as I was able to get my song list for the year done for my church calling (job) as I lead the music for the main Sunday service so I now have it ready for the entire next year. It was something I could do with a headache as I didn't dare work outside on the trailer with my head splitting. I love when I can get something off the list when I have a headache as other migraine days, I get nothing done! 

I hope you have a Blessed Day! 

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