
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Almost Five Years Ago, I teak Oiled My Trailer Instead of Waxing - Good Fast Option

Five Years ago this November, I spent lots of time working on my trailer. I put all new butylene tape in around windows and vents as well as replacing vent covers and teak oiled the entire trailer. 

I shared that there was a man that shared with me about how I should use teak oil on my trailer and fiberglass while I was shopping at a local store. I was on the phone and he came up to me asking what I was going to "buff" as I was looking at a buffer wondering if it would work on the trailer as the rub on rub off waxing thing was an arm buster. 

I am SO GRATEFUL for that man interrupting my call to share with me about the wonderful use of Teak oil! It has been used so many times in my life from my bar-b-cue, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, garage door, aluminum siding and windows and my trailer. It is such an amazing product that and it is so inexpensive to purchase. For my entire trailer, it was less than one can which is about $10 at Walmart. 

Several people over time on my blog or channels have asked me to do an update on the trailer sides and garage door to show they are still in good condition. I can't tell you how much easier it has been this time to apply the teak oil to the trailer. The teak oil sealed the sides and there is some oxidation but there aren't the many, many dirt lines and sticky dirt stuck on it as there was last time. 

If you look at this blog post from when I did it the first time, you can clearly see how dirty and flat the exterior of the trailer was. I used mineral spirits to clean the trailer sticky or really dirty spots and I haven't had to use mineral spirits once to clean anything this time other than where I stuck duct tape on the door a month back before I fixed it. 

The sides were still quite shiny even if there was a little grit or dirt, it wiped right off with the Teak oil. The only place I cleaned before putting the teak oil on was under the front window cover as there was dirt trapped inside there and I didn't want to seal any of that in so I washed that area. 

I am not technically done putting the teak oil on yet as I  finished one side with Princess last week and I did the back and most of the other side today. I did purchase some caulk for the door window which I did not get done today but hope to get to that tomorrow so I can then finish up the door with teak oil.  

From there, I just have the front around the window cover to do. I am super excited to get that done and am thinking about doing another coat on the garage door while I have Princess Five to help me work on it. It will need a good rinse before coating it but nothing like what we had to do five years ago to get the sprinkler minerals off it. 

It will be nice getting the trailer put away for the winter. I found a spot to store it and will be glad to finish up that project. It seems like there is always another project looming.... Pruning time is upon us and at least Princess Five and I got all the apples off our tree dried for the season in a week or two this year. I have a list on the kitchen counter of many of the things I wanted to get done while Princess Five was home and I hate to share that I have not gotten much off that list. We visit and play games so much of the time but we have also done much service so I am glad that she is having those opportunities. I personally haven't been feeling the best that last week or two with another "bug bite" type infection on my leg that burns and oozes. I thought it was a mosquito bite I got while helping my sister move the other night but last night I got about 2 hours sleep due to the pain and burning of it. I have treated it with the iodine and diatomaceous earth and it seems to be calming down but between that and a cold of some kind, I didn't have the best weekend. 

Yea for hopefully finishing up the trailer tomorrow! Have a Blessed Day! 

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