
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Parasite Update - Left Lower Leg Sores and Swelling Symptoms - Horsehair Nematomorpha

Many years ago, Princess Two was on a mission and had some sores on her left leg and it spread to other areas on her body. Eventually, she was given antibiotics and it cleared up but only after it left scars. Here is a link to the posts where I show those pictures all those years ago. 

In the fall of last year, I had a horrible sore / infection on my left lower leg. I guess I did take some pictures of it and posted about it and show the scar that I ended up with and here is a current picture of that leg. Here is a link to the post about it. The rash was contagious and I had to work hard to get rid of it but since that time, I have felt the parasite burrowing in that area many times and there is a small red dot a few inches to the right and I could feel it coming on and put the higher strength Lugols Iodine on the area before it got bad and it cleaned up really fast. Since then if I feel them moving in that area, I just put iodine on the area and put diatomaceous earth on the area once the Lugols solution has dried up. 

Princess Four had sores on her left leg while on her mission and I thought I blogged it but can't find a post about it. She got antibiotics and took them but the sores looked much like the ones her sister had on her mission and interestingly enough, both girls were on Asian Islands. Both had metallic tastes in their mouth but had these sores on the left leg. 

When in Washington D.C. a few weeks back, another one of the girls had a rash on their left front leg and it spread to the other leg and you can see it in the picture of us with our feet in the water. The rash she has looks more like the one we would spread from person to person when we used hand towels in the bathroom or reused our towels more than once. Since we use paper towels and only use towels once, the rashes don't spread and I cleaned mine up by using iodine and the antifungal cream daily. 

The picture at the top is of the spot on one of the girls legs currently. She had the raised oozy shingle looking fluid filled staph rash and I had her put the stronger Lugols iodine on it and then diatomaceous earth and the brown scab looking decolorization was in three spots on her leg and you can see it is down to one and the others are faint and disappearing so one application with the really strong Lugols killed it off. I didn't have the strong Lugols with me in DC so we tried a few drops of the nascent iodine on it but it just wasn't strong enough. She doesn't live near me but she got some cream from the Dr. she said is helping clear hers up. I don't know as it had spread all over her legs but hopefully she will be able to get it cleared up.  

I talked to a neighbor and she has struggled with left leg issues for years and has some decolorization there and I remembered that her husband has this as well and they have always had cats. I mentioned it to her and she told me of two other neighbors on either side of us that also have left leg swelling issues. Another friend of mine wrote about "bites" which she thought were bites but the Dr. didn't know what it was and thought maybe shingles but also not sure so they put her on antibiotics. I also wake up with swollen left leg many days and often feel the parasite burrowing around in that leg. I wonder if it has something to do with the descending colon on that side and maybe it carries bacteria when it burrows out and down the leg. 

I am sure some day they will study it and figure it all out but I pray it is sooner than later! Have a Blessed Day!


  1. I have been following your blog. I am dealing with exactly what you have described. I have tried Bentonite clay to my "left calf muscle" which is one of the many areas on my body that are painfull. have to try this. I have taken a video clip of me doing this and you would not believe your eyes. If you would like to see this I would be happy to send it to you. I have some thoughts about this nightmare that I feel you would be interested in hearing. Let me know. We can help each other.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your comment. I would love to see what you have and discuss it with you. I have an email and I don't check it much currently as I have been out of state and at reunions this summer but hopefully in the next month or so as my kids settle, I will be able to do more with all this. It is 3 a.m. and I haven't blogged yet. My life is a bit crazy currently. I am glad you have found something to help and am grateful you are willing to share the information. Have a blessed day.....

  2. Hi. I am also going through the same. I have come up with some effective treatments, and have been able to make them want to flee from my body. I have video of them forcing their way out of the bottom of my foot. It is very painful, but I am determined to beat this. I also made a new discovery with ground cloves. I will be starting my own blog and sharing

    1. Sorry you are dealing with this. If you would like to share the video or pictures, you can send them to my email, I check it every so often and have posted about videos people have shared in the past. Good luck with your blog, it is time consuming..... Best wishes and have a blessed day!

    2. Unknown I suffer with this and would love the information. I have lost the will to live a long time ago only to try to help others and fulfill God's will is the only reason to be here. No doctor or family to even acknowledge this as I watch them all getting sick. I stay confused about what to try next so all help appreciated. God is in control this I know.

    3. I am also going through the same thing and its soo easy yo lose the will yo go on.. I am absolutely miserable and nobody believes me.. good luck to you all

    4. Try to keep your spirits up! Know that you aren't alone! At some point they will have to figure it out and I pray it is soon!

  3. I have all of this also and would love to see this. Having it rough and would give anything to be able to get people together to get the medical community to listen.

  4. I have discovered something else in the last couple of days. Natural news had an article about chagas disease in ca, where I live a portion of the time, and lived full time until 2011. When I looked at pictures of the actual parasite (as the parasite is in an insect) and what it looks like in the blood veins, it looks like a bunch of black specks in the veins. The parasite looks like it could make the exact lumps I have in the veins in my hands, and the veins in my hands look exactly like the blood veins shown. I have lots of black specks with this. I believe its VERY likely I have this, and there is a test, if a doctor would run the test. Many relatively young people here in nw Florida are having sudden heart failure, and the insect can pass the parasites from one person to another. Something very interesting to explore for sure!

    1. Chagas is so common now that they test for it when you donate blood. You can get it from bedbug bites which seems to be the most common way of getting this. There is a blood test for Chagas and you may want to get tested for that if you have the symptoms as it does eat away your heart, cause lung damage etc. The beginning symptoms are a lot like mono with swollen lymphs, fatigue, aches etc. Let us know what you find.... Have a Blessed Day!

  5. Wow that's amazing because they say we don't have medicine for it in this country, that it would have to come from the cbc, and other countries use meds that are4 40 years old with bad side effects. Glad to have the information and know that a test is common. Thank you. Blessings😃

  6. Amaz in ng to find your site with this information.
    I have been so low lately. Nearly suicidal at times and especially. Anyone who has suffered this for 10 plus years who is willing to chat. Pls let me know. This has destroyed my life. Lusa. Thanks for the verificario guys. X

    1. I am so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with this so long. I will continue to post anything I try online and hope I find something soon. Keep remembering that you are not alone in having this. I know there are morgellons support groups on facebook that make some suggestions on how to deal with the similar symptoms.
      Stay well and know you aren't alone! Have a blessed day!
