
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Another Busy and Crazy Day - Jewelry Sort With My Girls

I feel like I am super lame recently as I have SO much going on and I haven't had time to upload anything or post anything. It is almost 4 a.m. and I had a last minute meeting come up this evening and I have been so busy I haven't been able to do my bills from my trip and everything is getting due so I sat down at least 4 different times just today to try and do my checkbook, pay bills, etc and each time the girls needed some help and this has happened over and over in the past few days. I finally joked with them the last time, "anymore questions" and then they started asking me questions from my childhood just to be funny, but really, it has been so non-stop. 

I have taken some more videos of things going on in the house but I need to figure out how to upload as the last three times I tried to upload something, my computer shut down and restarted with a blue screen. Not sure what is going on but things are not uploading well. I need to call my internet company and see what I can do. I hope to be able to get more uploaded but with my new camera, my pictures even take forever to upload...… 

Enjoy this video of us sorting jewelry from a $25 grab bag and I hope to get some sleep.... 

Have a blessed and non-stressful day! 

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