
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Helping A Cousin Learn The National Anthem Parts

The last full weekend before school starts, there are tryouts for a community choir in our town made up of teens from five different communities. 

Four of my five girls were in the choir during high school. My niece is in high school now and has not used her beautiful voice before but she is thinking of trying out for the choir. I worked with her a little the other night but having never sung before, she was quite nervous so I had the girls sing both the soprano and alto parts and then as a duet for her so she could practice for the next few weeks before the tryout. 

In the tryouts, she needs to sing her part for the national anthem. Because it is a comitative choir, especially for the girls parts, I told her that if she could sing both the alto and soprano parts, she would have a better chance at making it in the choir. They have lots of people trying out for the soprano / melody part but not as many can sing the harmony parts or alto part. Princess Five made it onto the choir the first year as an alto and then was moved into the soprano her senior year as that is more her voice range. However, she probably wouldn't have been on the choir the first year if she hadn't been willing to sing alto and it really helped her learn to sing harmonies so it was a good experience for her. 

My girls have both sung for years and have both done both parts of the national anthem and have performed it at sports events etc. Click here to see Princess Four sing with her sister, Princess Three at a drill competition. Click here to see Princess Five singing at a sports event with a friend, she did the alto part. 

Hopefully, these two videos of the different parts, and then a duet at the end, will help her be able to practice and gain confidence for her tryout. I was SO proud of her when I worked with her as it was her first time ever singing alone or in a duet. She then did a mini concert for my girls and her sisters! I was so proud of her~ She has a beautiful voice which reminds me of my mothers voice and my mother sang her entire life! 

I hope she will continue to sing and use that talent as she hasn't felt confident enough to in the past. She has a natural gift and I think her voice will bless others for many years to come! Enjoy~! 

Have a Musical Blessed Day!  

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