
Friday, July 27, 2018

Super Tired and Wondering Why...... Jewelry Sorting - Nothing Great This Bag.....

So, I drank lots of caffeine tonight hoping I would have a bit more energy to post something from my trip. It is just after ten and I have been uploading a jewelry video for the past 7 hours and I still have over an hour left for it to upload. I think I am going to take a shower and get ready for bed and hope it is faster than it says (wishful thinking, it never is faster) and by the time I am climbing into bed, I can just post the jewelry sorting video. 

I am SO tired. I seriously can't tell you how tired my body feels.... I haven't paid bills, done anything in the house, written in my journal, looked at my pictures, figured out expenses for the trip (we each paid for different things and need to square up the tab for things) and all I want to do at this very second is climb into bed.... 

I need a shower though and know I will sleep better if I take one so I will do that and pray that the upload is done when I am... 

Can't figure out why I am so tired but am hoping it doesn't last long! So I just scared myself seriously by searching bed bugs and being tired... I also got a phone call. I will share more about this later and hope that it is nothing.... I feel like I have mono, I am so tired. My body is on the verge of aches for the past few days and I keep thinking if I sleep more I will be able to shake it..... Pray that I didn't catch anything from the hotel..... 

I am going to take some GSE, Silver, Thieves, Vitamin C and anything else I can think of to take right now.... I hope I feel better tomorrow.... 

Enjoy the video of me searching for treasure..... Have a Blessed and energetic day!

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